USBKS February Newsletter > 시애틀 공지사항

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시애틀 공지사항

USBKS February Newsletter

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작성자 시애틀관리자 작성일21-02-05 19:44 조회9,904회 댓글0건


Dear Parents,


The second semester starts tomorrow, on Saturday.

Please check the class guidelines from each teacher again and know your children's class preparation and start time. 

Attached is the academic schedule for the second semester. 

Please check for school events and school closures and we will once again have a fruitful and productive time with our students.


1. For elementary, middle/high school, and adult classes, we plan to conduct 2 hours of Zoom classes and 1 hour of self-study using Class Dojo or Google Classroom. 

We would like to inform you that the one-hour self-study time may be slightly different for other classes depending on the class progress or plans of the teacher. 

We ask for your understanding on this point.


During self-study, students will work on assignments given by the teacher and turn them in by the end of the study session. 

Similarly to Zoom class, one hour self-study is closely guided by the teacher and the submitted assignments will be a part of grades.


2. Some of our students won awards in the 4th annual Yi Sunsin Project Contest. Congratulations! 

Ok-po Award: Terra Jung(3) /  Chloe Kim(2)

Pan-Ok Award: Jae-hee Park(3)


3. The enrichment classes start next week on February 13th. Please check the information mail for specifics from the enrichment class teacher.


4. Next week we will have our Lunar New Year event. Even through online class, we are planning a special class to celebrate Lunar New Year. 

Please check your children’s class newsletter for more information. 


5. Just like offline classes, online classes require preparation beforehand. Before class, we ask for your cooperation and advise parents to look over the learning topics and prepare textbooks and writing utensils so online classes can proceed smoothly.


Attached is a file about online class etiquette. Please read it through.

Thank you.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

시애틀 공지사항 목록

Total 173건 5 페이지
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