USBKS Newsletter February 8th > 시애틀 공지사항

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시애틀 공지사항

USBKS Newsletter February 8th

페이지 정보

작성자 시애틀관리자 작성일20-02-10 20:17 조회17,353회 댓글0건


Dear Parents,

Thank you for registering for the 2019-2020 school year! Last week, we had a great time celebrating Korean New Years.
Here is a link to an article of the Korean New Years celebration.

◈Times to pick up -  regular class: 12:OOpm   /   enrichment class: 1:00pm
Enrichment classes start this week.

◈ There is no school on Saturday, February 15th.

◈ USBKS board will hold a meeting where we will explain our School operation and Budget for United Seattle and Bellevue Korean School.
Please join us for the meeting!

When: Saturday, February 22nd, 9:30AM
Where: United Seattle Korean School Cafeteria

◈ On March 14th the Korean Competition and Speech Contest will be held at the Tacoma First Baptist Church. If you wish to participate, please apply to your homeroom class teacher. For application and more information, please contact your class teacher.

March 14th: Speech Contest & Korean Competition hosted by The Northwest Chapter of the National Association for Korean School (NAKS) (The test will be administered for each individual grade. Students who were not born in the United States need to bring a copy of his or her passport. Students who were born in the United States need a copy of birth certificate.)

* When:  2:00 – 6:00 P.M. Saturday, March 9th, 2019
* Where:  Tacoma First Baptist Church (1328 S. 8th St. Tacoma, WA. 98444)
* Who: K ~ 12th grade students who are currently registered in Korean schools

◈ Message for Parents and Family:
Our teachers are working hard in creating a successful educational environment. However, there are times when problems can arise in the classroom. Please first let the teacher, principal, and vice principal know as soon as possible. Together we will be able to have a private discussion to find any solutions.

Thank you,
교장(Principal): 윤혜성(Haesung Yoon)
교감(Vice Principal): 최영옥 (Youngoak Choi) 


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

시애틀 공지사항 목록

Total 173건 10 페이지
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